Note of Protest and Solidarity message of GFF re the polical attack against the striking workers at NutriAsia and the Journalist Hyiasmin Saturay

Deutsch-Philippinisch Freunde – German Filipino Friends
July 31, 2018

Dear workers of NutriAsia, dear Hyiasmin Saturay!

We condemn all attacks on workers and supporters of strike at NutriAsia. Especially we demand the immediate release of all 19 arrested people on July 30 at NutriAsia picketline. Also we urge NutriAsia management to reinstate all dismissed contractual workers and regulate all contractual work.
Of course we protest enegetly agains the arrest of the journalist Hyiasmin Saturay and we demand their immediat release of prisons and of course the release of all political prisones worldwide.

Long live international solidarity and protest and coordination of protests against the oppression.
Internatial governments make world wide a develponent to the right in arressting and oppressing more and more workers, progressists environmental acitvists and revolutionaries in more and more counties. On the other side, there is a growing progressive movement against their Gouvernments like in Germany, Türkey, Russia, The Philippines….
This a need to strenghten th progessive parts, to organzi alliances and to look forward to societies without oppression an exploitation, And this is a need strenghten the German-Philippino friendship and development of the mutual support.
We wish you much strength and courage in your hard struggle and that you will success.
And will inform German people here. Please let us know, how we can support you better. Maybe you assign some one to regularly inform Germany vie GFF

In deep Solidarity

For the board of German-Filipino Friends
Dagmar and Dieter