Aufruf zu Protest gegen Verhaftung von 43 freiwilligen Gesundheitshelfern?

Dear comrades & friends,
We are forwarding to you an Urgent Action report from the human
rights organization Karapatan, appealing for the release of 43
volunteer health workers illegally arrested by elements of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police. 
Also attached are statements from the Health Alliance for Democracy
(HEAD) and BAYAN (New Patriotic Alliance) condemning the incident.
We would appreciate your taking part in the worldwide action against
these despicable violations of basic civil rights of the Filipino
people. We would also appreciate your assistance in forwarding this
appeal to your network.
Warmest regards,
International Information Office
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
**URGENT ACTION: Volunteer health workers illegally arrested in
military raid in Rizal province, Philippines**
UA No: 2010-02-01
(Initial report)
UA Date:        06 February 2010
UA Case: Violation of Domicile; Destruction of property; Divestment
of Property; Illegal Search and Seizure; Illegal Arrest; Illegal
Detention; Threat, Harassment and Intimidation, Fear for Safety
Illegally Arrested and illegally detained (partial list)
 Dr. Merry Mia, Health Education        and Training Services coordinator
for Council for Health and      Development (CHD)
 Dr. Alexis Montes
 Gary Liberal, Registered Nurse         (Jose Reyes Medical Memorial Center)
 Teresa Quinawayan, Midwife
 Lydia Ubera, health worker
 Reynaldo Makabenta, health worker
 Delia Ocasla, health worker
 Jane Balleta, health worker
 Janice Javier, health worker
 Franco Remoroso, health worker
 Ailene Monasteryo, health worker
 Pearl Irene Martinez, health   worker
 Elen Carandang, health worker
 Dany Panero, health worker
 Rayom Among, health worker
 Emily Marquez, health worker
Threat, harassment and intimidation; Violation of domicile:
 Dr. Melecia Velmonte
 Bob Velmonte
 Bernardo Landag
 Two caretakers
Place of Incident:      Residential compound of Dr. Melecia Velmonte in
Bgy. Maybangcal, Morong, Rizal
Date of Incident:       06 February 2010
Alleged Perpetrator(s): Joint elements of the 202nd Infantry Brigade
of the Philippine Army (202nd IBPA), and Rizal Philippine National
Police (PNP), headed by Colonel Aurelio Baladad, commander of the
202nd Infantry Brigade of the Philippine Army based in Tanay, Rizal,
and Police Superintendent Marion Balonglong of the Rizal PNP.
Account of the Incident:
On February 1, around 40 medical practitioners and health workers
participated in a First Responders Training, sponsored by the
Community Medicine Foundation, Inc. (COMMED) and Council for Health
and Development (CHD) at Dr. Melecia Velmonte’s Farm, a conference
and training facility in Morong, Rizal.
Dr. Velmonte is a renowned and respected infectious disease
specialist and a consultant at the Philippine General Hospital. Her
farm is a regular venue of health trainings, with participants coming
from both the communities and the academe.
According to initial reports gathered by Karapatan, at 6:15 am on
February 6, 2010, around 300 heavily armed elements of the military
and police forced their way into the farm of Dr. Melecia Velmonte in
Bgy. Maybangcal, Morong, Rizal. At gunpoint, the military forced the
caretaker to open the gates. Inside, the soldiers fanned out to
different directions. They also kicked the main door to get into the
When Dr. Velmonte and her son, Bob demanded for a search warrant,
they were merely brushed aside by the military.
All medical practitioners and health workers, were ordered to line up
at the garage, frisked, and handcuffed. The victims were also
questioned and photographed by the military, while another took a
video recording of the interrogation. The male victims were then
blindfolded with old shirts brought in by the soldiers and secured
with packaging tape. All of the personal belongings of the victims
were also taken by the military.
When the participants were already handcuffed, it was only then that
Police Superintendent Marion P. Balonglong showed Bob a search warrant
for a certain Mario Condes of Bgy. Maybangcal, Morong, Rizal, charged
with illegal possession of firearms. The search warrant dated February
5, 2010 and issued by Judge Cesar A. Mangrobang of Branch 22 of the
Imus, Cavite Regional Trial Court, did not indicate the exact address
of the Velmonte compound.
Bob asserted that the warrant did not specify their address, and that
Mario Condes, who is subject of the warrant, is not even the owner of
the house, but he was ignored by the authorities.
Outside the compound, were eight (8) vehicles. Along with the four
(4) 6 x 6 military trucks were two (2) Armored Personnel Carriers
(APC), a KIA Pride car, and an ambulance. Some of the vehicles had no
plate numbers while the rest of the license plates were either
covered, or smeared with mud.
The health workers were forced into the military trucks and were
brought to Camp Capinpin in Tanay, Rizal, headquarters of the 202nd
Infantry Brigade of Philippine Army.
The military declared that the victims were members of the New
People’s Army because of the explosives allegedly found inside the
compound. However, according to witnesses, the military conducted the
search of the compound’s premises only after all of the victims, as
well as the residents, were already outside the buildings. Witnesses
also said that the military have brought in with them plastic bags
with the GMA Kapuso logo printed on it.
Allegedly found were C4 explosives, a pistol with seven bullets, 3
grenades (one allegedly found under a pillow); beside the grenade were
some improvised landmines. However, Bob said that they were not issued
a receipt of the inventory of the said firearms and explosives.
The illegal search of the Velmonte compound ended at past 9:00 in the
morning of Saturday, February 6, 2010.
The military and police arresting team were led by Col. Aurelio
Baladad and Police Superintendent Marion Balonglong.
In the afternoon of the same day, Karapatan Deputy Secretary General
Roneo Clamor, husband of Dr. Merry Mia, Olive Bernardo, Karapatan
Services Head, along with Karapatan counsel, Atty. Ephraim Cortez, Dr.
Geneve Rivera and Dr. Edelina De La Paz, chairperson of Health Action
for Human Rights (HAHR), went to Camp Capinpin to inquire about the
victims. They were not allowed to enter the camp premises.
As of this writing, the military has not allowed any of the relatives
of the victims to see anyone of them.
**Recommended Action:**
Send letters, emails or fax messages calling for:
The immediate release of the    health workers who are illegally
arrested and illegally detained at      Camp Capinpin, Tanay, Rizal.
 The government to ensure the   safety of the victims and that they
are not harmed; their belongings        be returned immediately to them.
 The immediate formation of an  independent fact-finding and
investigation team composed of  representatives from human rights
groups, the Church, local       government, and the Commission on Human
Rights that will look into      raid and illegal arrest of the health
workers conducting health       skills training in Morong, Rizal.
 The military to stop the labeling      and targeting of human rights
defenders as “members of front  organizations of the communists”
and “enemies of the state.”
 The Philippine Government to be        reminded that it is a signatory to
the Universal Declaration of    Human Rights and that it is also a party
to all the major Human  Rights instruments, thus it is bound to
observe all of these    instruments’ provisions.
You may send your communications to:
H.E. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
President of the Republic
Malacañang Palace,
JP Laurel St., San Miguel
Manila Philippines
Voice: (+632) 564 1451 to 80
Fax: (+632) 742-1641 / 929-3968
Cell#: (+ 63) 919 898 4622 / (+63) 917 839 8462
E-mail: /
Gen. Avelino Razon, Ret. PNP
Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process
Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP)
7th Floor Agustin Building I
Emerald Avenue
Pasig City 1605
Voice:+63 (2) 636 0701 to 066
Fax:+63 (2) 638 2216
Norberto Gonzales
Secretary, Department of National Defense
Room 301 DND Building, Camp Emilio Aguinaldo,
E. de los Santos Avenue, Quezon City
Voice:+63(2) 911-9281 / 911-0488
Fax:+63(2) 911 6213
Atty. Agnes Devanadera
Secretary, Department of Justice
Padre Faura St., Manila
Direct Line 521-8344; 5213721
Trunkline 523-84-81 loc.214
Fax: (+632) 521-1614
Atty. Leila De Lima
Chairperson, Commission on Human Rights
SAAC Bldg., UP Complex
Commonwealth Avenue
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Voice: (+632) 928-5655, 926-6188
Fax: (+632) 929 0102
Please send us a copy of your email/mail/fax to the above-named
government officials, to our address below.
URGENT ACTION Prepared by:
KARAPATAN (Alliance for the Advancement of People’s Rights)
National Office
2/F Erythrina Building
#1 Maaralin cor Matatag Streets,
Brgy. Central, Diliman, 
Quezon City 1100 PHILIPPINES
Voice/Fax: (+632) 435 4146