545 th day of the disappearance of James Balao… Surface him NOW?

To the President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of Philippines, mass media, trade unions and to the international democratic public, to the human rights organizations-  please forward this email whereever and whenever you can to strengthen the international protest and solidarity movement for human rights in the Philippines, which people needs for their life in standing up to fight for a liberated world!

On the Monday Demonstration inStuttgart, Germany, 29th of March 2010 we counted contineously – just as it was decided by the Monday-Demonstration Movement Stuttgart in our partnership agreement between the Monday-Demonstration-Movement  in Stuttgart and the family Balao and Cordillera People Alliance (CPA) of October 2008- the days of the disappearance of James Balao.

On this Monday it was the 545th  day of his disappearance…

A jobless couple from former Yugoslavia and living in the Hartz 4 laws sends tohether with the whole Monday demonstration in Stuttgart their militant protest to President Arroyo. These both take part at the MD now more tha 5 years and even there are not so many participants anymore  like 5 years ago, our resistance goes on as it must go on.


We carry on the fight for social and political rights and are special in the Holy Week in deep solidarity with all the people worldwide, who are effected by the same system. And if we talk about James Balao and the other enforced disappeared and killed activists, we think about the last sentence of Pablo Nerudas „Canto General“:

„Podran cortar todas las flores,

pero jamas detendran la pmimavera!

They (our enemies) may cut all the flowers,

but never they will be able to dominate the springtime!

Sie(unsere Feinde) können alle Blumen abschneiden,

aber nie werden sie den Frühling beherrschen!!“


On behalf of the Mondaydemonstration movement in Stuttgart, Germany