825th day of Disappearence/El Condor Pasa

To president Benigno Aquino III, former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of Philippines, mass media, trade unions and to the international democratic public, to the human rights organizations-  please forward this email whereever and whenever you can to strengthen the international protest and solidarity movement for human rights in the Philippines, which people needs for their life in standing up to fight for a berated world! On the Monday Demonstration in Stuttgart, Germany, 20th of December 2010 we counted as it was decided in October 2008 in the partnership agreement between the Monday-Demonstration Movement Stuttgart and the family Balao and Cordillera People Alliance (CPA)  the days of disappearance of James Balao. It is the 825 th day of the disappearance of James Balao.

El Condor pasa

Oh mighty Condor, owner of the skies,
take me home, up into the Andes, oh mighty Condor.
I want to go back to my native place to be
with my Inca brothers,
that’s what I miss the most, oh mighty Condor.

Wait for me in Qosqo, in the main plaza,
so we can take a walk in Machu Pikchu and Wayna Pikchu.

El Cóndor pasa  auf Deutsch

O Kondor der Berge meines Landes,
von wo du auf mich niederschaust.
Bringe mich zu unserem Volk,
heim in jene kalten Berge,
ich will zurück, o Kondor.

Warte auf mich in Qosqo, auf dem Hauptplatz,
lass uns umherstreifen in Machu Pikchu und Wayna Pikchu.

We know in this time of coming xmas and of the New Year 2011 that the mighty Condor will come back not only in the Andes, but as well in the Cordilleras and to all the other disappeared and oppressed workers and people in the entire world. We feel already the wind of his mighty wings, the fresh winds of the mountains in the sunrise telling us, that a new time is coming. The Condor  joins our long march through the centuries and warns all enemies with his mighty cry for freedom.which we can hear even on „you tube“ on the Mondaydemonstration against Hartz 4 just before the longest night in the year is gone and the days will last longer and longer until spingtime
On behalf of the Mondaydemonstration against the unsocial law Hartz, Stuttgart, Germany with the best wishes for 2011 to all the friends and militant demands against all the enemies of human mankind..
Our next MD will be on the 10th of January 20011