Brief von Kapatiran zum Hungerstreik der politischen Gefangenen in den Philippinen

Warm greetings!

About the Hunger strike of the Filipino political prisoners. We received the following details from our friends who are political prisoners in the custodial center the Phil National Police Camp Crame in Quezon City — they are: Prospero Agudo, Alan Jazmines, Eduardo Sarmiento and Eduardo Serrano.

All political prisoners are charged with criminal cases — murder, arson, armed robbery.

The hunger strike is to demand– that Pres. Aquino III release all political prisoners; –that the Philippine government abide with the JASIG (Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees). The JASIG, signed in 1995, provides immunity from arrest to members, consultants and staff of the NDFP who are part of the peace negotiating team. As of 20 September 2011 –13 of the JASIG protected NDFP consultants continue to be detained.

The 300 political prisoners in jails and prisons all over the Philippines started their hunger strike on 13 September 2011. They will be fasting for 9 days. The hunger strike will end at 6pm of Wednesday, 21 September 2011. The hunger strike means they do not eat any solid food or drink anything from 6 am to 6pm. They take only water. After 6 pm they eat their regular evening prison rations. They save a little of the evening food ration so they can eat this before 6 am.

September 21 is the 39th anniversary of the declaration of Martial Law by the Marcos dictatorship. On 21 September there will be rallies in different cities and towns all over the Philippines. In Manila, there will be peoples‘ march to and a big demonstration at Mendiola Bridge (50 meters from the the presidential palace — Malacanang.) The demands are: Stop the Killings! Surface the Desaparecidos! Free all Political Prisoners!

Medy and Pido