1155 th day of the disappearance of James Balao, Philippines?

To president Benigno Aquino III, to the former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of Philippines, mass media, trade unions and to the international democratic public, to the human rights organizations-  please forward this email whereever and whenever you can to strengthen the international protest and solidarity movement for human rights in the Philippines, which people needs for their life in standing up to fight for a liberated world!

On the Mondaydemonstration against the unsocial law Hartz 4 we continued our vigil for James Balao in Stuttgart on Monday, the 14th of November 2011 together with guest from abroad and of the Philippines.
We counted – as it was decided  in October 2008 in the partnership agreement between the Monday-Demonstration Movement Stuttgart and the family Balao and Cordillera People Alliance (CPA) –  the days of disappearance of James Balao. It was the 1155th   day of the disappearance of James Balao.
Even after 1155 days of disappearance we do not know anything about James. The present administration in the Philippines react exactly like the former administration of Gloria M. Aroyo: they just do so as nothing would have happened, as there would be no sisters, no brother and no friends worldwide missing James and mourning about his disappearance. Even more: the gov of Aquiono III continues the same policy of killings and disappearance and of oppression. More than 54 activist of worker- and peoples movement were killed and a lot of others disappeared. Impunity of the perpetraitors and human rights violators goes on and Obama and his friends like Merkel, Sarkosy and Aquino III talk still about humanity, human rights and freedom: what a betray and what a lie! In Stuttgart, Germany the  Mondaydemonstration against the project Stuttgart 21 calls these propagandist liers: Lügenpack!- (something like bandits of liers!). Many people do not trust these politicans anymore and they go ahead in fighting for their rights and for their future everywhere.
On the Mondaydemonstration against Hartz 4 a lot of participants wrote in different languages on their banners/sandwiches: I am James Balao, what means that even if James is captured and kidnapped and even killed he is still alive: we are all James Balao and demand justice and truth for our brother and friend! We demand: Stop impunity- Aquino and other responsible persons in the army and secret services have to be accused at once!
On behalf of the Mondaydemomonstration