Solidarityresolution from the member assembly

Kapatiran, Philippinen,
unanimously adopted at the annual general meeting in Solingen,
Germany, November 19th, 2011
Warm solidarity greetings from Deutsch Philippinische Freunde and
On the International Day Against Violence Against Women we express
our strong solidarity support to the workers of Triumph International in
the Philippines. You have been fighting bravely against the illegal
closure and massive retrenchment of more than 1.600 jobs since 2009.
Your collectively agreed social and trade unionized rights and
achievements are trampled by Triumph International.
Triumph International declared to close down their factory in the
Philippines in the guise of global economic and financial crisis that
resulted to the massive retrenchment of more than 1.660 Filipino
The mother factory of Triumph is founded in Heubach near Stuttgart in
Germany and escape to Bad Zurzach, in Switzerland, because they do
not want to pay taxes. Numerous jobs were destroyed in Germany and
moved abroad. In the Philippines the Social Corporate Responsibility of
Triumph International to its workers have not been implemented.
The management of Triumph International has been ignoring that the
fruit of the workers labor have contributed to the overall success of the
Triumph companies.
We firmly believe that the closure of Triumph International in the
Philippines is a part of union busting, with the aim of achieving greatest
profit through cheapest and docile labor.
DFP and Kapatiran strongly support the Triumph workers and all the
workers fighting for jobs and justice. Because losing the jobs for the
worker means taking away their lives and their families, especially in
the Philippines: the education of the children,the necessary medical
care, the homes and so on. Even a church wedding for young couples is
unpayable, also the burial of the deads in dignity
We, the DFP and Kapatiran, will fight together with the Triumph
workers against the running of manufacturing plants to Free trade
zones where there is no union, no strike policy.
We strongly demand to reinstate all retrenched Triumph workers in the
Philippines, Thailand and elsewhere and to pay full back wages the
retrenched workers.
We call on all the Workers Organization and peoples organization and
individual to help in anyway we can to those fighting retrenched
workers (who partly aren’t already 16 years old) of Triumph
International in the Philippines. We support the campaign “Defend Jobs”
in the Philippines, where a massive number of jobs shall be destroyed.
On the other hand banks and monopolies are forced millions of public
money down their throats, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
They shift the consequences of the financial and economic crisis onto
the backs of the population.
DPF and Kapatiran declared the solidarity with the demands for a
liberated society where the fruits of our labor will benefits those who
created the wealth of the world.
Long live international solidarity!
Donations of solidarity can be made to following Solidarity-Account:
Deutsche Bank 24 Langenfeld
Bank code number: 30070024
Bank account number: 4081550
For material donations to the DPF, please contact us under following