DEFEND JOB PHILIPPINES Statement on the Successful Solidarity visit in Germany

Englische Fassung/Original-Brief vom 19.1.2011
DEFEND JOB PHILIPPINES Statement on the Successful Solidarity visit in Germany and Response to the Letter of Triumph to UNIA
Defend Job Philippines gives our highest appreciation to the women of COURAGE, workers, youth and children in Germany for your solidarity to the former Triumph women workers, women and workers in the Philippines.
Our visit in Germany is a huge success for it enriches the spirit of our international solidarity.  It enlightens us on how big multi national corporations like Triumph International shift the burden of the crisis to the workers and our families. On how these corporations extract super profits from the fruits of our labor and suddenly junk us like robots and machines in times of their crisis. Most importantly, our solidarity visit gives us inspiration and strength to fight against the global crisis and be with the workers, women and exploited people of the world in building a better world to work and live in.
Through our visit, we are able to share to the German Community, such as forum in Cologne, Gelsenkirchen, Stuttgart and in other parts of South Germany what really happened at the two factories of Triumph International in the Philippines on 2009. That 1663 workers lost jobs due to the sudden closure of the factories brought by the global restructuring of the company.  That there was no prior notice given to the workers on the closure and dismissal.  That we courageously fight and demanded for jobs amidst violent dispersal, threat, economic and family problems. That our fight is not over as we join the workers and women of the world in fighting the root causes of our injustice which is capitalism.
We are very thankful to UNIA in Switzerland for your continued support to the displaced Triumph workers in Philippines, Thailand and other parts of the world.  Your November 25 demonstration in front of the Triumph Headquarters in Switzerland was a great success as we were able to bring the message of struggle of Triumph women to the Swiss community and most of all it reminded Triumph International that the fight of Triumph workers for JUSTICE is not yet over.  As a result, Triumph was forced to defend itself and issue a statement. And we are firm on our stand that the closure and lay off in the Philippines is unjust and inhumane:
–       Instead of cost cutting their super profits, Triumph lay off thousands of workers and closed two factories in the guise of global restructuring program. Is it just and humane to cut off the means of livelihood of workers who contributed to the over all success of the company? How much money Triumph pay for its executives and managers compared to 7 to 10 euro per day salary of every Triumph worker in the Philippines? Where did Triumph used its more than a billion revenue every year? Or how come its assets in the Philippines grows from P189 million in 1989 to P745 million in 2007? And whether you re-open or operate in the Philippines or not, the closure and dismissal is truly unjust and inhumane.
–       On May 2009, a month before the closure, Bagong Pagkakaisa ng mga Manggagawa sa Triumph International keep on asking for explanations about the massive relocation of raw materials but Mr. Diether Streicher, the manager of Triumph in Philippines said that the workers have nothing to worry about. But, all were shocked on June 27, 2009 to witness the factories closed and all workers are not allowed to enter anymore. In fact, the personal belongings of workers were trapped inside the factory for almost year since it closed on 2009.
–       There was no notice. The factory was already closed when Triumph filed retrenchment of workers at the Department of Labor and Employment on July 4, 2009. And what Triumph did to make their closure “lawful” is give the 2 months salary of workers for the month of July and August 2009. This is the period of formal notice of Triumph to the workers.  And how can we expect the Department of Labor and Employment and the government to declare the closure and dismissal illegal and unlawful when DOLE Secretary itself gave license to Triumph and helped in explaining to the workers about the closure on the June 27, 2009 meeting.
–       We stage peaceful picket demonstration at the vicinity of the factory since May 2009 when Triumph moved out the raw materials from the factory. Since then and until May 4, 2010, we experienced violent dispersal in the picketline by goons and security guards of the Food Terminal Incorporated. That was the time, when union and Triumph was still in negotiations but FTI helped Triumph by filing a case against us and declare our picket protest unlawful.  And a Temporary Restraining Order was issued that cause to violently disperse our picket. As a result of the dispersal, Triumph freely moved out the remaining cutting, molding, other machines and materials inside the factory. We demanded these materials to be given as well to the workers to build our self managed factory but Triumph refused.
–       Triumph workers took the severance package of Triumph because it is our right to have it. We have served to the company for more than 30 years and we deserve more than the package that Triumph offered. We deserve a decent a job, a fair and humane treatment and justice. But it does not mean that we have already accepted the injustice that Triumph committed to us. And it does not mean that our fight is over. In fact, 6 of our young colleagues sacrifice and did not get the separation package of Triumph in order in order to file a labor case against the company for the illegal closure and dismissal, union busting, unfair labor practices and damages to the workers. And hopefully, amidst lack of resources, full time legal counsel and very slow justice system in the Philippines, we are able to prove that what Triumph did to us is unjust and inhumane.
–       Triumph Sales and Distribution continues in the Philippines until now. They sell almost same volume of under garments in the malls, department stores and Triumph Sales Outlet. But why they prefer to manufacture these underwear outside the Philippines? Because we are fighting for secured jobs, higher wages and benefits and regularization of all contractual workers and strengthening our union.
–       The workers are still jobless until now and in great distress. For big corporations where we workers served, they have human, moral and social obligation to ensure the dignity of work and human life of every worker. But unfortunately, the practices of multi national corporations are destructive to the lives of workers and our families. We demand a DECENT JOB and DECENT LIFE.
–       Right now, we strive to build our own means of livelihood. We use our skills in producing solidarity bags for organizations sympathizing to our struggle in the Philippines and abroad. In these solidarity bags, we earn little amount of money and a widespread message of hope, struggle and solidarity all around the world.
–       Finally, we believe that Triumph workers cannot win the fight alone without uniting with the workers and women of the world in the same struggle for better working and living condition. In the Philippines, we created Defend Job Philippines as our center aiming to unite with other workers and oppressed sectors and build a strong campaign and movement to fight against the shifting of the burden of the crisis to the people. We are joined with many other workers and women in the Philippines right now like in Toyota, Procter & Gamble, Pepsi Cola, Philippine Airlines, semi conductor workers, newspaper, women and the displaced and homeless people. This is our contribution in the movement of workers and women all over the world.
We will continue to spread and inform our fellow workers and women all around the world about the story, message and struggles of Triumph workers along with our peoples’ struggles in the Philippines. Because, the more people learned the story, the more people knew how capitalism works and the more people will act to make a better world.
Once again, thank you for sharing our struggles and solidarity to each other. We will work together in this new year in one aim, one hope and one victory for the workers and women.
Melona R. Daclan
Campaign Director

Defend Job Philippines