Dec 3 – Int. Day of Solidarity for Political Prisoners: Read the Poltical Prisoner’s Song

Dear Friends,

Greetings of Solidarity!

I am Axel Pinpin from the Philippines. I am a former prisoner of conscience (POC) or political prisoner as we call it in our country.  I was imprisoned for 28-months (April 2006-August 2008) and was charged with rebellion.


We had probably known each other in one way or another through our campaign for freedom for political prisoners, or some other advocacy and solidarity work concerning the welfare of the people all over the world.


December 3, 2012 will mark another International Day of Solidarity for the Political Prisoners.

Anent this, I, together with our human rights group –Karapatan (Alliance for the Advancement of People’s Rights) in the Southern Tagalog region of our country is proposing for an international solidarity activity.


The activity will be a simultaneous poetry reading in different jails by imprisoned POC around the world.


The goal of the activity is to continuously bring awareness on t:e plight of political prisoners and create a strong support for their campaign for freedom.


We are suggesting the following conduct of the activity:


1. Pre-distribution of the poem before December 3. The poem is entitled Poltical Prisoner’s Song. It was translated in seven (7) languages already, original Filipino, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese. (Copy of the poem attached here)


2. Simultaneous poetry reading all over the world on December 3. In the Philippines, we will be conducting the poetry reading at exactly 1500H (+0800 GMT).


3. Poetry reading is not exclusive for the political prisoners. Families, friends and supporters of the political prisoners are also encouraged to do the same.


4. The event should be documented and/or recorded. It could be in the form of video, audio and/or still pictures (whichever medium is possible and permissible).


5. All documentation and recording accompanied with relevant information of the event  will be sent to:


We will be producing a short video film documentation of this activity afterwards.


We are encouraging everyone to take part in this event in spirit of solidarity for every political prisoner in the world. Please send us email for your inquiries.



Thank you very much.


Freedom for all political prisoners in the world!




Axel Pinpin



Awit ng Bilanggong Politikal

Original Filipino by Axel Pinpin

Ang pader ko’y di lamang malamig at malagkit, Nakakwadro rin dito ang latay ng pasakit.

Ang sahig ko’y di lamang marumi at maganit, Nakaratay din dito ang tisikong inip.

Ang rehas ko’y di lamang kalawang ang galis, Naglangib na rin dito ang paglayang nais.


Wisikan ng tula ang langib ng paglaya!

Wasakin, wasakin ang rehas na sutla!

Wakasan, wakasan ang salot ng pagdusta!

Bumangon sa dilim na ngitngit ang tanglaw!

Banggain, banggain ang pader na ampaw!

Banggain ang karsel na pagtakas ang hiyaw!


Political Prisoner’s Song

English Translation by @2lin.doy

My wall is not only cold and unkempt,

Framed on it is the welt mark of torment.

My floor is not only dirty and roughly done, Laid on it is my sick boredom My prison bars do not only have rust for scabs, Crusting on it are wounds of longed for freedom.


Wash with the salve of poems the wounds of freedom!

Bash, bash down the smooth bars of prison!

Smash, and smash down the pestilence of oppression!

Rise, rise up in the night with the raging light!

Break, break down the weak walls of repression!

Fight, fight back incarceration with cries of emancipation!

“Wisikan…Wasakin…Wakasan… in the original text is a play on words.  A transliteral translation could be “wash, bash, smash”



===== Song of the Political Detainee

English Translation by Ryan Fuentes


My prison walls more than cold and sticky, Are framing whips of twisting agony.

My floor isn’t only rough and dirty,

In it is trapped a searing ennui.

The iron bars coated with rust,

The freedom I so want has greased its crust.

Smear with verses the slippery freedom!

Tear and tear down the silken iron!

Shut and shut off the plague’s kingdom!

Rise from the darkness lighted by anguish!

Smash and smash the walls of cowardice!

Smash the corral with the cry of release!



=====Chanson du Prisonnier Politique

French Translation by Christine Trimoreau


Mon mur est non seulement froid, délabré; la marque des tourments y est gravée.

Mon sol est non seulement sale et mal lustré, c’est là que gît mon ennui meurtrier.

Mes barreaux sont non seulement gainés de rouille mais rongés d’âpres désirs de liberté.

Caresse de poèmes les plaies de liberté!

Casse, casse les soyeux barreaux de prison!

Chasse, chasse encore la pestilence de l’oppression!

Redresse-toi dans la nuit, suis l’ardente clarté!

Renverse les murs minces de la répression!

Repousse l’incarcération par les cris de l’émancipation!


=====Cancion de Prisionero Politico

Spanish Translation by Geraldina Polanco


Mi pared no es sólo fría y descuidada,

enmarcada en ella es la marca de tormento.

Mi piso no es sólo sucio y duro

encima del esta mi aburrimiento enfermo

Mis barras de prisión no sólo tiene óxido para costras, la formación de costras en la que están heridas de la ansiada por libertad  Lava con la salve de poemas las heridas de la libertad!

Quebra, baja las barras sedosas de prisión!

Quebra, baja la peste de opresión!

Subi, levantate en la noche con la luz furiosa!

Rompe, rompe las paredes débiles de represión!

Lucha, lucha encarcelamiento con gritos de emancipación!


=====Canção de Prisioneiro Político

Portuguese Translation by Ysh Cabana


Meu muro não é só frio e dilapidado

é enquadrado em lesões de agonia torcendo.

Meu piso é não apenas suja e mal polido

nele está preso de tédio assassino.

Minhas barras não só tem ferrugem revestimento mas roeu amargura de liberdade eu desejo.

Carícia com versos a liberdade escorregadio!

Quebra, quebra a seda grades da prisão!

Caça, ainda caça o peste de opressão!

Subir, subir da escuridão com a luz queimando!

Esmagar e destruir os muros de repressão!

Lutar contra o curral pelos gritos de emancipação!



=====песня политического заключенного

Russian Translation by Irene Bondarchuk


Мои тюремные стены не только холодны и липки, Они похожи на кнуты скрученные в агонии.

Мой пол не только груб и грязен,

Там ты увидишь жгучую тоску.

Железные решетки покрыты ржавчиной,

Корки на них- раны желанной свободы

Омытые раны стихами свободы!

Слезами разрушим железные прутья!

Развей, развей чумы угнетение!

Восстань из тьмы, ярким светом!

Сломи, сломи стены гонений!

Борись, дай отпор заточению криком свободы!


=====The Political Prisoner’s Song


From the English Translation of Alexander Martin Remollino Chinese Translation by Hsin-Hsing Chen (陳信行)

Spray poetry on the scab of sadness


And destroy the steel that of silk is made

摧毀製造絲綢的鋼鐵With the light of anger rise from darkness


Crash against the bars, bondage be waylaid
