News Release – On International Day of Political Prisoners: Human Rights group storm Aquino residence; decry illegal arrests, detentions

December 3,  2012

On International Day of  Political Prisoners:
Human  Rights group storm Aquino residence; decry illegal arrests,  

TIMES STREET, QUEZON CITY  – Human rights group Karapatan in Southern 
Tagalog staged their  protest in front of the Noynoy Aquino’s home 10AM today to 
denounce  the continued illegal arrest and detention of political prisoners 
in  the country.

Glen  Malabanan, secretary general of Karapatan-ST exposed the deceiving  
tactics of the Aquino government in order to hide its hand on grave  human 
rights abuses. “Aquino is filing fabricated charges of common  crimes to 
political offenders to make it appear that there are no  political prisoners in 
the country,” she said.

Currently,  Karapatan has recorded 224 cases of illegal arrest and 
detention  around the country. Malabanan cited the case of Rolly Panesa, an  
innocent security guard who was mistakenly arrested for being “a top  ranking 
communist guerrilla leader of Southern Tagalog”.

“The sad  thing about this is that the government even justified its use of 
 torture”, she added referring to the brutal injuries Panesa received  from 
the military saying this is a similar move they do to whoever  they suspect 
as “big fishes”, such as the arrest and torture of  another political 
prisoner and known New People’s Army commander Tirso  Alcantara.

The group  is demanding an end to Aquino’s “whitewash of human rights in 
the  international community” and call for the immediate and unconditional  
release of Panesa along with all the other political prisoners such as  
Darwin Liwag and Alex Arias, both peasant leaders in Laguna and many  others. 

Meanwhile,  former political detainee, Axel Pinpin, initiated a 
simultaneous  poetry reading around the globe. Pinpin, who is also a poet, said that  
one of his prison poems "Political Prisoner's Song" will be  simultaneously 
read today in different jails in the country as well as  by various 
supporters inside schools and communities. This is part of  today’s commemoration of 
the International Day of Solidarity with  Political Prisoners.

Alcantara  together with Allan Jasminez, a writer and National Democratic 
Front  Consultant and other political prisoners in Bicutan Detention Center  
will read Pinpin's poem at exactly 1500H (+0800 GMT).

Eduardo  Serrano and Nante Gamara, both consultants to the NDF who are 
detained  in Camp Crame have already expressed their participation in the poetry 
 reading. The two have also started their fasting last December 1 as  form 
of protest.

“The symbolic protest action is very heartfelt. Even  if we 
are experiencing hunger because of our fasting, our hearts are  full because 
of the support we got from our comrades and friends,”  Serrano said. 

Pinpin  added that they are also expecting high-profile political prisoners 
in  other countries to join the poetry reading. Among them, journalist  
Mumia Ali-Jamal, The Cuban 5, punk band Pussy Riot and Kurdistan  revolutionary 
leader Abdullah Öcalan. 

The poem  is already translated in 7 languages including French, Spanish,  
Portuguese and Russian. 

A group of  young activists from Stuttgart, Germany is also set to 
translate and  hold the poetry reading gig this Monday from where they hold their  
regular mass demonstrations starting 5pm (12MN in the  Philippines).

Pinpin  also issued a personal statement for the release of Öcalan which 
read,  “We are fighting the same world capitalist system led by U.S.  
Imperialism – it is therefore a must that we continue to strengthen  our ranks and 
unite for our common goals.” 

Karapatan-ST also launched their week-long  Lakbayan ng Mamamayan ng Timog 
Katagalugan Para sa Karapatan  (Southern Tagalog People’s March for Human 
Rights) today in Lucena  City amidst the threat of typhoon Pablo.#
For info, please call  Ica 0908 219 7034 |  0905 846  0174