Online-Protestaktion wegen bedrohter Gewerkschafter in den Philippinen (Roy Velez und Amelita Gamara)‏

Dear Comrades,

Warm greetings of solidarity!

Please support the online petition at against the filing of trumped-up charges against three national leaders and one regional leader of KMU. It calls on the Philippine government to drop the said false charges.

The online petition is here:

As a result of the false charges, warrants of arrest have been issued for the said four members of KMU’s leadership.

The filing of these charges is an act of harassment aimed at preventing our leaders from carrying out their trade-union activities. It is part of the Philippine government’s counter-insurgency program called Oplan Bayanihan, which hinders workers from practicing their right to freedom of association.

Although the LabourStart campaign is specific to workers, Oplan Bayanihan is a government program that also represses the rights of farmers, urban poor, national minorities, women and other marginalized sectors in Philippine
Signing the campaign is quick and easy. Please help us by forwarding the petition to your networks. Your support will greatly help in highlighting the gross and systematic trade union repression in the Philippines.
In solidarity,

Elmer Labog
Kilusang Mayo Uno