Newsletter from GABRIELA

GABRIELA Alliance of Filipino Women calls on our chapters, member organizations, friends and allies to join the Global Day of Action to call for justice for farmers in North Cotabato, Mindanao, Philippines. On March 29, about 6000 farmers and Lumad (indigenous people), trooped to the National Food Authority warehouse in Kidapawan City to demand the government to immediately release promised food aid for communities affected by the 7-month drought due to the El Niño phenomenon. Fearing their families would starve to death, farmers walked for days to reach the city center to air their grievances and to ask help. On April 1, armed members of the Philippine National Police opened fire on the farmers immediately killing 3 and wounding at least 30, while 71 were detained and many more missing.

You can join by staging protest actions in front of Philippine emabssies/consulates in your area, light candles, send solidarity messages to the farmers, and post on social media using the hashtag #FoodNotBullets. You can read more about the Kidapawan incident here and here.
GABRIELA Philippines

35 scout delgado, Brgy. Laging Handa

Quezon City 1103


We, detained peace consultants of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and other political prisoners here in Camp Bagong Diwa, strongly condemn the brutal assaults, killings, other acts of violence and gross violations of human rights committed by reactionary police forces against the hungry peasants and lumad, who, since March 30, have massed at the Kidapawan City center in North Cotabato to seek urgent hunger and disaster relief.


The fascism that has just been taking place is no different from what had been taking place during the outright martial law of the Marcos regime.


Those hungry peasants and lumad are indeed victims of the long dry spell caused by the El Niño that dried up their farms. But they are are also victims of gross negligence of the ruling national government of Benigno S. Aquino III and the local government of North Cotabato Gov. Emmylou Taliño-Mendoza in even just monitoring the dire situation of the suffering peasants and lumad, much less looking after the victims, and rendering them immediate and long-term relief.

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International League of Peoples‘ Struggle

By ILPS Commission 5
13 April 2016

 Please join us in our call to free detained labor rights defenders in the Philippines.

Since Noynoy Aquino became president in 2010, 11 unionists and labor advocates have been illegally arrested and detained on the basis of trumped-up charges. Two labor leaders have standing arrest warrants because of the same trumped-up charges.

The unionists, labor advocates and labor leaders are accused of participating in actions carried out by rebel group New People’s Army. The Philippine government and military have not presented clear evidence linking the unionists, labor advocates and labor leaders to the NPA’s actions. And they can’t because the unionists, labor advocates and labor leaders are nowhere near the actions. They have been involved in educating workers on their rights, helping workers form militant and genuinely pro-worker unions, and helping poor Filipinos fight for their rights.


Unionists, labor advocates and labor leaders are targets of trumped-up charges under the Aquino government’s counter-insurgency plan Oplan Bayanihan. They are accused of recruiting workers and other poor Filipinos to join the NPA and being members of front organizations of the Communist Party of the Philippines.

The intention of the government is to disrupt their activities aimed at educating and organizing workers.
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In den Philippinen sind mehrere Hundert politische Gefangene oft seit Jahren in Haft – ohne dass ein Gerichtsverfahren und eine Entscheidung erfolgt ist. Auch Voltaire Guray kam als 25 jähriger in Haft und jetzt auf Kaution am 12. April 2016 wieder frei. Er war wegen illegalem Waffenbesitz inhaftiert. Das ganze beruhte auf der Behauptung eines Polizeibeamten. Die behaupteten Waffen und Munition gab es nicht.

Im Gefängnis konnte er nach über einem Jahr durchsetzen, dass er wieder malen durfte. Er war mit den anderen politischen Gefangenen aktiv. Auf die Frage, ob es vier verlorene Jahre im Gefängnis waren, antwortet er: „Möglich, wenn ich geschmollt und mich nutzlos gehalten hätte, dann könnte ich sagen, dass es vergebene vier Jahre meines Lebens waren. Aber ich und die anderen politischen Gefangenen haben das nicht. Selbst im Gefängnis blieben wir ein Teil der Massenbewegung.“

Gerade aus dem Gefängnis raus, hat sich Voltaire Guray solidarisch erklärt mit den 79 gefangenen Bauern auf der Insel Mindanao. Sie waren wegen der Hungersnot als Folge des El Nino am 1. April auf der Straße und wurden dafür von schwer bewaffneter Polizei angegriffen – zwei Tote und viele schwerst Verletzte. 79 sind wegen Aufruhr in Haft, darunter drei schwangere Frauen.


Hier der Link zu den Bildern von Voltaire Guray – als Hintergrund „Die Internationale“ von Alistair Hulett in englischer Sprache. Eingestellt vom Berliner Künstler Nümmes.


Als Bild von, die uns die veröffentlichung gestatten ein Bild von Voltaire Guray im Gefängnis mit einem seiner Gemälde:
