Die KMU nimmt Stellung zu der Erklärung des Anklagevertretungsgremiums im Impeachmentverfahren gegen Corona, wonach 5 von 8 Artikeln des Amtsenthebungsverfahrens fallen gelassen worden sind. Es ist jetzt klar, dass die Anklagevertretung unter der Leitung der Aquino Administration nur miserabel ihre Hausaufgaben gemacht hat. Es ist nun klar, dass der Präsident eine Propagandakampagne gegen Corona inszeniert hatte, in der Hoffnung, dass er selbst zurücktritt, anstatt sicherzustellen, dass er amtsenthoben wird., so Labag. Wir haben die Impeachment-Anklage unterstützt, in der Hoffnung, dass dadurch ein Hindernis für die Anklage
gegen die frühere Präsidentin Arroyo beseitigt wird. Wir sind tief enttäuscht von der Vostellung der
Anklagevertretung. Das Motiv von Präsident Aquino war die Revidierung der Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichtshofes in der Hazienda Luisita Angelegenheit. Das zeigt sich bei der Sonderbehandlung von Arroyo im Gefängnis und der Entscheidung des Ombudsmannes zur Herabstufung der Ausplünderungsanklagen gegen Arroyo in Bestechungsangelegenheiten……


Übersicht Protestaktionen März 2012


Unterschriftensammlung der ICOR/ILPS zum Gedanken an das Fukushima Disaster vor 1 Jahr und Fortsetzung des Anti-Atom-Widerstandes:

We, the masses of the world, are totally opposed to the use of nuclear power, either for energy or for arms. We accept the following slogans and call upon all Governments all over the world to end the use of nuclear power.

  • Shut down all nuclear power stations and plants!
  • The corporate owners of nuclear power plants must bear the costs of shutdown and clean up operations!
  • Application of the highest standards for storing the remaining radiating waste.
  • We demand compensation and appropriate medical support from the respective states and from corporate operators or owners of nuclear power plants for all victims of illnesses arising from exposure to nuclear power plant radiation and toxic wastes!
  • Save the environment from the greed for profit of the monopolies!
  • Pursue and expand research, promotion and propagation of environment-friendly power and energy sources!
  • Ban and destroy all nuclear, biological and chemical weapons!Strengthen the international front of active resistance for the protection of the natural environment!


No Name Coutry Signature







Greetings from Manila:

I have attached here a
poem originally written in Filipino and translated into German by our comrade
in Austria.

This poem describes the
bad situation of poor families in Metro Manila who experienced violent
demolition of their homes and livelihood and neglect of the government.

Defend Job Philippines
is now documenting these situation and helps in exposing this situation to the
community. We are one of the complainant who filed a case to the United
Nations. Hope, you can also support this complaint.

Please help us in
sharing and spreading this poem to our comrades and friends in Germany.

Here are some
information about the poem:

Writer: Comrade Elmo
Carreon, is a worker and organizer of Overseas Filipino Workers in Saudi Arabia
in 1984. Now,  he lives in Vienna Austria with his family and
continue to fight for the rights and welfare of migrants and advocates for the
liberation of his homeland---Philippines. He is the Chairman of Migrante Austria,
chapter of Migrante International.

Background: It shows the
Floating community in Freedom Island in Paranaque City, Philippines. A poor
dwelling of fishermen and their families. For more than 10 years, they
experienced violent eviction of their homes from one place to another. The
government did not give them any program to uplift their lives. Now, these
families along with more than 10000 people depending their livelihoods and
migratory birds in the sea face threat of destruction of lives and livelihood
as the government will reclaim more than 640 hectares in the Island. Tens of
thousands of people resist against the reclamation because it will cause
widespread flood all over nearby cities.

Translator: The poem was
translated by Comrade Gigi from Migrante Austria. A mother of two children and
active leader of Migrante.

Thank you.
