308. Tag des Verschwindens von James Balao
the international public- please fwd it wherever you can to strengthen the
international protest and solidarity for human rights
On the Monday Demonstration, 10th of August 2009, we counted – as
it was decided by the Mondaydemonstration Movement Stuttgart in his
partnership agreement – the days of the disappearance of James Balao.. It
was the 308th day. Even there were in the last fortnight no
solidarity-circulars, the solidarity-movement never stops and will never
Today a participant of the German-French Worker Solidarity Group
of Daimler Automitive-Workers together with his wife and the candidates of
MLPD/OpenList in Stuttgart/Baden-Württemberg Peter Borgwardt and Volker
Kraft for the nationwide parlament election in September 27th
expressed their deep solidarity over the borderline with the family of
James Balao and all opressed people in the world. Other parties like CDU, SPD,
FDP, Gruene and Linke were invited but they disdn´t come
On the solidarity t-shirt it is written in the colours of
the French and the German national banners:
This power will force Gloria M. Arroyo and the whole goverment in the
Philipines with its supporters in USA and in Germany one day to accept our
demands for human rights, for stop the killings, the harassments and the
enforced disappearences! We shall overcome some day and James Balao and all the
other oppressed activists for a human world will be rehabilitated.
On behalf of the Monday Demonstration Movement in Stuttgart,