924th day of disappearance of James Balao?

To president Benigno Aquino III, to the former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of Philippines, mass media, trade unions and to the international democratic public, to the human rights organizations-  please forward this email whereever and whenever you can to strengthen the international protest and solidarity movement for human rights in the Philippines, which people needs for their life in standing up to fight for a liberated world!
On the last Monday Demonstration on the 28th of March 2011 we counted – as it was decided in October 2008 in the partnership agreement between the Monday-Demonstration Movement Stuttgart and the family Balao and Cordillera People Alliance (CPA) –  the days of disappearance of James Balao. It was the 924 th  day of the disappearance of James Balao.
More than 924 days are gone since James Balao, one of the founders of the Cordillera Peoples Alliance (www.cpaphils.org ), who was abducted by military intelligence and security units at Lower Tomay, La Trinidad, Benguet, Northern Luzon, Philippines on September 17, 2008.

Meanwhile the parents of James Balao died and more than 20 other blacklisted activists of the worker-,  trade union-, enviroment-, women- and human rights movements were abducted and killed in the Philippines unter the goverment of Aquino III. Our vigil in Stuttgart is a protest against such a dictatorship and expresses our full solidarity with the people of the Philippines in their struggle for a genuine change in their land.
In the last months the people of Northafrica and Southern Europe demonstrated, that the ruling presidents could be thrown over by mass actions like former president Marcos of the Philippines. In this vigil and in this uprisings James Balao and all the other abducted, killed or tortured activist are living: they gave their life that others can go on in their worldwide struggle for liberation of mankind. Fukushima shows now all, that James Balaos struggle against the plundering of the ancestral land by the international monopolies and banks was just and correct. The nuclear death will kill not only in Japan thousands of people. The nuclear clouds arrived already Europe and will worsen as well here the living conditions. Their and your enemy is our enemy and therfore we have to stay together demanding from the Aquino III administration: Truth about James Balaos disapearances, stop the impunity of the responsible goverment and full rehabilitation of James Balao! We will not forget James Balao and other activists and we will change our indignation about that policy into power and courage! Remember Marcos, Mubarak, Ben Ali …..!!!
On behalf of the Mondaydemonstration against Hartz 4

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