Protestvisit at the Mission of Philippine Mission in Geneva, Switzerland?

To president Benigno Aquino III, to the former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of Philippines, mass media, trade unions and to the international democratic public, to the human rights organizations-  please forward this email whereever and whenever you can to strengthen the international protest and solidarity movement for human rights in the Philippines, which people needs for their life in standing up to fight for a liberated world!
Participants of the Mondaydemonstration against the unsocial law Hartz 4 in Stuttgart protested on the 1st of December together with an international delegation in the Mission of the Philippines in Geneva against the permanent violations of human rights in the Philippines by the goverment.
It was the 1172nd   day of the disappearance of James Balao.
We accused this policy and we demand strongly Stop Impunity!! We wanted to know, what happened to James and others and we said very clearly, that we have no time anymore to wait!
A delegate of Latinamerica remembered on the situation in Argentina, where after 34 years the responsible leaders of the dictatorship were jailed into prison for many years… „and this will happen as well to Gloria and Aquino III.“
The ambassodor was very nice and friendly, he smiled and said always: „I respect your opinion, but this is not true, I have another opinion. Sorry, but I have to leave now, I have a date. And if you want, please write to the local administration in the Philippines and ask there for the disparecidos!“
 We gave him a appeal of protest to AquionoIII and he promised to send it per fax to his president.
The international delegation was a success, as the reality of the so called democratic state of the Philippines  was made public just in that city, where the human rights are watched in a special way- or should be watched!!
Participant of the Mondaydemonstration