1309th day of the disappearance of James Balao- Stop impunity – we do not forget?

To president Benigno Aquino III, to the former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of Philippines, mass media, trade unions and to the international democratic public, to the human rights organizations-  please forward this email whereever and whenever you can to strengthen the international protest and solidarity movement for human rights in the Philippines, which people needs for their life in standing up to fight for a liberated world!

On the Mondaydemonstration against the unsocial law Hartz 4 we continue our vigil for James Balao in Stuttgart on Monday, the 16th of April 2012. We counted – as it was decided  in October 2008 in the partnership agreement between the Monday-Demonstration Movement Stuttgart and the family Balao and Cordillera People Alliance (CPA) –  the days of the disappearance of James Balao. It was the 1309 th   day of the disappearance of James Balao.
We hold up the rememberance of James Balao
and great the Cordillera Day 2012
and fight against Stuttgart 21 and against the unsocial law Hartz 4 and against the betray and lies against the people.
We send all the letter of the Monday demonstration Stuttgart  to the Cordillera Day 2012 in English and in German (in the annex)

Letter to Cordillera Day 2012 by Monday Demonstration Stuttgart

Dear friends,

All over the world people are fighting for freedom and democracy, for the right of self-determination and human dignity. In many countries this fight is cruelly and cowardly persecuted. The world´s ruler have their secret services and laws, but they don´t have our hearts and mind. They have their courts where they force people of movements to, they have their decrees because of their fear of all the millions of people fighting for a life in freedom and dignity in union with so many people and with nature. Their killers kill union trade people on the Philippines, environmentalists, people fighting for human rights. They cowardly hide them like James Balao in September 2008.

We again demand investigations of persecutions. Those who are responsible for James Balao´s disappear are to be punished. Stop impunity! Above all Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and Aquino III, who covers up for the joy of the USA. They preach freedom and mean the liberty to pollute your water your ground your rice your air. And what for? For the liberty of Monsanto and company/Co.

The men of the international financial capitalism, Allianz, BHP Billington, Deutsche Bank, Triumph etc. support the Lepanto Mines and also big projects like “Stuttgart 21” and wars all over the world. They have cut a part of our park under the shelter of 9000 policemen looking like soldiers. They have even made a referendum and call it democracy. But we have no free chance to the press and the media at all. But they spread lies and lies in the tv, press and so on. We call them “Lügenpack!” [ in German something like: a gang/mafia of liers].

We have lost the referendum but our fight will go on. That we have learnt from you. Ama Macliing Dulag and Pedro Dungoc have been killed so obviously also James Balao and many others. But their fight for freedom and democracy cannot be killed, it keeps alive in us and you. Heartfelt regards to all of you! We are delighted that one of us are able to celebrate the Cordillera Day 2012 together with you, as how in former days friends from Baguio City and Manila were able to get known of our land and people and our fight.

We are a power not to overcome when we stand together internationally. Let us dream of the day when our lives and nature will never again sacrificed for profits and we live together in peace.

Up international solidarity!

For the defense of your land for freedom and democracy!

For defense of our earth against the system of the greed for profit!

For the end of nuclear power all over the world!

Warmest regards to the family Balao and to all our friends and their families …

Your Monday-Demonstration against the unsocial law Hartz IV and against Stuttgart 21, Unanimously adopted at the MD assembly in Stuttgart 2nd of April 2012.

