To president Benigno Aquino III, to the former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of Philippines, mass media, trade unions and to the international democratic public, to the human rights organizations-  please forward this email whereever and whenever you can to strengthen the international protest and solidarity movement for human rights in the Philippines, which people needs for their life in standing up to fight for a liberated world!

On the Mondaydemonstration against the unsocial law Hartz 4 we continue our vigil for James Balao in Stuttgart on Monday, the 19th of December 2011. We counted – as it was decided  in October 2008 in the partnership agreement between the Monday-Demonstration Movement Stuttgart and the family Balao and Cordillera People Alliance (CPA) –  the days of the disappearance of James Balao. It was the 1190 th   day of the disappearance of James Balao.
Participants of the Mondaydemonstration against Hartz 4 send all the friends around the world the
best greetings for the xmas days and for a militant and succesfull New Year 2012
and they demand again the stop of impunity.
We thought on the victims of the climate-catastrophe in Mindanao and we mourn together
with all the families.
We demand for a
System change- not climate change Now!
Shut down all nucleare plants worldwide!
The new President Kretschmann of the Green Party in the region Baden-Württemberg, Germany
builts up in Stuttgart new containers as prisons for more than 200 protesters against Stuttgart 21 supposed to be at the D-day in Stuttgart expected in January 2012.
On the Mondaydemonstration against S 21  participants dressed theirselves like prisoners in the new city of Mr. President Kretschmann called Kretschmannshausen (city of Mpresident Kretschmann). After the manipulated referendum ot 27th of November, in which the pro S 21 part officially won, they want to destroy now the southern part of the station and want to cut down all the old trees in the park. Some of the old trees  are more than 250 years old !!!
The protesters of both rallies promised, that their resistance will continue in the next year 2012 on the way to justice, freedom in a rescued nature by a genuine change!
On behalf of the Mondaydemonstration against Hartz 4

Open Letter to President Benigno Aquino III

(End Impunity, Render Justice to Victims of Human Rights Violations

and Address the Roots of Social Unrest)


President Benigno Aquino III

Malacanang Palace, Manila



Dear Mr. President:


We, undersigned migrants and advocates for migrants rights, express our deep concern over the continuing human rights violations in the Philippines despite the change in government.  People hoped that after the brutal regime of Arroyo there would be some change as you have promised to tread the “righteous path.”

Your government is now going into its one and a half years in office but not a single perpetrator of human rights violations during the time of Arroyo has been punished.  In fact, in your first year in office, the human rights organization KARAPATAN has recorded the following statistics in its April-June 2011 report: 48 extrajudicial killings, 5 enforced disappearances, 29 cases of torture, 151 illegal arrests and 3,010 victims of forcible evacuation  from rural villages.  Only recently, an Italian priest, Fr. Pops Tenorio, was killed for supporting the struggle of indigenous people in Mindanao against mining operations that were destroying their ancestral lands.

These human rights violations are the direct result of your counter-insurgency program Oplan Bayanihan that replaced Arroyo’s infamous Oplan Bantay Laya.

As in the time of Arroyo, the victims are the same: peasant leaders, trade union officers and organizers, student acitivists, women militants, environmental acivists, human rights workers and church people who oppose government policies that favor foreign corporations and local vested interests at the expense of the people.

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30 Nov to 1 Dec, 2011


The International Migrants Alliance (IMA) led by its Europe Section successfully led and concluded its counter-GFMD events in Geneva, Switzerland last November 30 to December 1, 2011.

The IMA counter-GFMD events in Geneva further exposed the anti-migrant and pro-imperialist/pro-big business schemes of the GFMD as it holds its 5th meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.

The IMA counter-GFMD events once again earned the support not only of the entire IMA network but also of new grassroots-based migrant and refugee organizations and networks, and grassroots-based NGOs. particularly from Latin America, Africa and Europe.

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The Sendong tragedy, above all,  shows how massive deaths and destruction of properties are effects of imperialists’ plunder of the country’s resources through large-scale mining, quarrying, logging, and land conversion. The previous governments, all puppets of US imperialism, should also be held accountable for the loss of lives because they facilitated the entry and operation of giant foreign companies in Mindanao and the Visayas that have resulted in such destruction over the years.

Aquino govt caught flat-footed by ‘Sendong’ (Washi typhoon) – KMU

We express our heartfelt condolences to the families of those who died due to typhoon “Sendong.” We share their grief and pain over the loss of their loved ones and the destruction of the little property that they have. We share their desire to rebuild and recover.
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Von Rainer Werning, Zamboanga City

Im Süden der Philippinen herrschte zu Beginn des Jahres Aufbruchstimmung. Doch die lang erhoffte Verständigung zwischen der Regierung und der muslimischen Befreiungsfront MILF blieb aus.

Adventszeit, Weihnachtszeit. Aber auch eine Zeit der Besinnung? Von wegen! Während in der Schweiz die immer früher geöffneten Weihnachtsmärkte dafür sorgen, dass Besucherscharen Bratwurstzipfel mit einer Tasse Glühwein hinunterspülen, haben die Filipinos längst ihre eigene, tropische Variante des Jahresendes kultiviert. Dort, wo in Südost­asien die meisten KatholikInnen leben, beginnt die Weihnachtszeit bereits an Allerheiligen. Und seitdem werden dort die Menschen bis zur Besinnungslosigkeit mit der Stimme von US-Swinglegende Bing Crosby traktiert: «Dreaming of a White Christmas» wird da rasch zum Albtraum. Unmengen von Plastik und Wattebäuschen dekorieren die Innenstädte – Zamboanga City, im Südwesten des Archipels gelegen, ist da keine Ausnahme.

Die einst schmucke Hafenstadt war während der US-amerikanischen Kolonialzeit (1898–1946) eine Frontstadt im Kampf gegen die rebellischen Muslime, verächtlich «Moros» genannt. Später machten die philippinischen Streitkräfte (AFP) die Stadt zur Zentrale ihres Südkommandos SouthCom, um von dort den Kampf gegen die Islamische Befreiungsfront der Moros (MILF) und die Neue Volksarmee (NPA), die kommunistische Guerillabewegung, zu koordinieren.

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Pictures of Dec. 5, 2011 
Groups headed by KARAPATAN-Southern Tagalog kicked-off the 2011 Human Rights Cultural Caravan last Dec. 5, 2011. The caravan staged cultural programs at Lucena City public market, Lipa public market and Batangas City old public market to expose the intensifying HR violations in the region under Aquino’s Oplan Bayanihan.

In these cultural programs, the Southern Tagalog Cultural Network, staged street plays depicting the struggle of peasant to defend their land against rampant militarization.

To president Benigno Aquino III, to the former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of Philippines, mass media, trade unions and to the international democratic public, to the human rights organizations-  please forward this email whereever and whenever you can to strengthen the international protest and solidarity movement for human rights in the Philippines, which people needs for their life in standing up to fight for a liberated world!
Participants of the Mondaydemonstration against the unsocial law Hartz 4 in Stuttgart protested on the 1st of December together with an international delegation in the Mission of the Philippines in Geneva against the permanent violations of human rights in the Philippines by the goverment.
It was the 1172nd   day of the disappearance of James Balao.
We accused this policy and we demand strongly Stop Impunity!! We wanted to know, what happened to James and others and we said very clearly, that we have no time anymore to wait!
A delegate of Latinamerica remembered on the situation in Argentina, where after 34 years the responsible leaders of the dictatorship were jailed into prison for many years… „and this will happen as well to Gloria and Aquino III.“
The ambassodor was very nice and friendly, he smiled and said always: „I respect your opinion, but this is not true, I have another opinion. Sorry, but I have to leave now, I have a date. And if you want, please write to the local administration in the Philippines and ask there for the disparecidos!“
 We gave him a appeal of protest to AquionoIII and he promised to send it per fax to his president.
The international delegation was a success, as the reality of the so called democratic state of the Philippines  was made public just in that city, where the human rights are watched in a special way- or should be watched!!
Participant of the Mondaydemonstration