Flutkatastrophe in den Cordilleren durch Taifun Gener
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,
anbei ein kleiner aktueller Bericht zur Flutkatatstrope in den nördlichen Teilen der Philippinen infolge der dramatischen Klimaveränderungen weltweit.
Falls ihr Sachen zu verschicken habt, wir senden gerade 3 Boxen Balik Bayan von Stuttgart (weitere Stationen gibt es in Heilbronn und Schäbisch Hall im Süden und Düsseldorf, Berlin jenseits des Mains usw.) nach den Philippinen, oder ihr könnt andere Arten von Spenden tätigen für die Flutopfer über uns oder über die Deutsch-Philippinischen Freunde. Meldet euch, wir holen wenn möglich die Sachen ab.
Das wichtigste ist aber, dass wir aktiv werden oder unsere Aktivitäten verstärken gegen die Ursachen dieser Klimaveränderungen mit unabsehbaren Folgen für die Lebensgrundlage der Menschheit und der Natur überhaupt.
Eine Mitgliedschaft bei den Deutsch-Philippinischen Freunden als Mitglied in Solidarität International, der internationalen Hilfs-und Solidaritäts-Organisation, für 1,50 Monat ist beispielsweise eine Art Dauerspende über die aktuelle Situation hinaus.
Herzliche Grüße, Eberhard und Susanne
Falls ihr eine Übersetzung benötigt, so holen wir das vielleicht nach
Appeal for support for typhoon victims
In einer eMail vom 02.08.2012 schreibt die Gewerkschaft KMU Cordillera
Dear Friends, Greetings.
In the history of Baguio City and Cordillera, typhoon Gener has the heaviest rainfall. It has been raining heavily here for more than a week and this has resulted to landslides and floods. Almost all of the provinces have reported cases of death, destroyed houses and more are getting sick especially the children. The schools, barangay and municipal halls became evacuation centers for the families who need to leave their houses. At times there is electric power failure which is sometimes better and may lessen accidents in cases of strong typhoons.
Earlier, the Provincial governor has ordered the miners ( small scale miners in private community tunnels) not to go inside the tunnels because of the dangerous situation. Many still proceed to work because they depend on this as their main source of livelihood.
Early this year, we were able to form an association of these miners so we are now in close monitoring with them for any incident that may happen. In our organized communities ( Anakpawis chapters), we have formed „quick reaction teams“ from organisers and volunteers to monitor incidents in the communities. They monitor, report, and readily assist family victims.
We are forwarding solicitation letters of the TULONG ANAKPAWIS (help for the toiling people) to friends, the church and individuals for donations to the affected families and communities. We ask them food mainly, canned goods, clothing and medicines. We also ask them rain gears – rain boots, raincoats, umbrellas, flashlights, shovels for our quick reaction teams and volunteers.
We formed this TULONG ANAKPAWIS in 2009 during the most devastating typhoon Ondoy and Typhoon Pepeng. It became a center for donations and delivered its services to the victims of the typhoon nationwide. In the Cordillera, Tulong Anakpawis and Serve the People brigade joined together in response to the disaster. Since then, we in the KMU cordillera keep the TULONG ANAKPAWIS alive . It is a self-help mechanism of the workers and the urban poor not only during disaster but in any difficulties our members encounter such as hospitalization, in times of death, there are also cases of violence against women and children, and many problem the poor people meet.
We assist and facilitate services that they should demand from the government, at the same time we organize them. Nationwide you can read in the news how far these typhoon affected mostly the toiling masses- the farmers, urban poor, the workers. they who have no sturdy houses, those who tend to the farms and garden for food and those who have not enough money to save for extra food and needs during typhoon.
Many people now are lined up at the government social service office to ask for food relief, at the end of the day waiting, some are fortunate to go home with 2 kls of rice, 2 sardines and 2 pcs noodles. unfortunate for the others to go home with nothing and come back the following day. This is how the poor people are treated but millions of money are controlled and enjoyed by corrupt officials. Then after the storm, we will read in the news that tons of rice in the stockroom of the government are rotten and being eaten by rats and no longer edible. One thing more is these are imported and highly paid rice.
A government not serving the people must be changed NOW. These are just updates for now, we are still lucky that in our families, no incidents were reported. the organisers stay awake 24 hours for the monitoring.
We appreciate very much you concerns and we shall overcome!
For the workers, Cristina