Dear Friends,

Warm greetings of solidarity!

The online signature campaign to stop the use of false allegations to persecute Prof. Jose Maria Sison and other Filipino refugees continues. We request you to access the following site and sign the online petition to show support against the continuing persecution of Prof. Sison and Filipino refugees:

Thank you.

In solidarity,
International Committee DEFEND

To the President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of Philippines, mass media, trade unions and to the international democratic public, to the human rights organizations-  please forward this email whereever and whenever you can to strengthen the international protest and solidarity movement for human rights in the Philippines, which people needs for their life in standing up to fight for a liberated world!

On the Monday Demonstration inStuttgart, Germany, 29th of March 2010 we counted contineously – just as it was decided by the Monday-Demonstration Movement Stuttgart in our partnership agreement between the Monday-Demonstration-Movement  in Stuttgart and the family Balao and Cordillera People Alliance (CPA) of October 2008- the days of the disappearance of James Balao.

On this Monday it was the 545th  day of his disappearance…

A jobless couple from former Yugoslavia and living in the Hartz 4 laws sends tohether with the whole Monday demonstration in Stuttgart their militant protest to President Arroyo. These both take part at the MD now more tha 5 years and even there are not so many participants anymore  like 5 years ago, our resistance goes on as it must go on.


We carry on the fight for social and political rights and are special in the Holy Week in deep solidarity with all the people worldwide, who are effected by the same system. And if we talk about James Balao and the other enforced disappeared and killed activists, we think about the last sentence of Pablo Nerudas „Canto General“:

„Podran cortar todas las flores,

pero jamas detendran la pmimavera!

They (our enemies) may cut all the flowers,

but never they will be able to dominate the springtime!

Sie(unsere Feinde) können alle Blumen abschneiden,

aber nie werden sie den Frühling beherrschen!!“


On behalf of the Mondaydemonstration movement in Stuttgart, Germany

To the President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of Philippines, mass media, trade unions and to the international democratic public, to the human rights organizations-  please forward this email whereever and whenever you can to strengthen the international protest and solidarity movement for human rights in the Philippines, which people needs for their life in standing up to fight for a liberated world!

On the Monday Demonstration inStuttgart, Germany, 22nd of March 2010 we counted contineously – just as it was decided by the Monday-Demonstration Movement Stuttgart in our partnership agreement between the Monday-Demonstration-Movement  in Stuttgart and the family Balao and Cordillera People Alliance (CPA) of October 2008- the days of the disappearance of James Balao.

On this Monday it was the 538th  day

two migrants of Turkey-Kurdistan joined the international watch-and protest vigil and protested against the goverment of the Philippines demanding to surface James Balao and to tell the truth to his family, friends in the Philippines and abroad about his disappearance.

The migrants of Turkey know very well about that issue of human rights violations as in Turkey there is nearly the same situation as in the Philippines. A lot of progreesiv journalists, trade-unionists and others suffer under  enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings and political repression and people, who want to change this situation, are even blamed as „terrorists“ like they do in the Philippines, but in reality this is nothing but a big betray!

Therefore it was no question for them and others to express their solidarity with the people of the Philippines and their protest against such a political situation and they send their warmest greetings to the familiy of James Balao.

But the 22nd of March is the day after the beginning of springtime here in Germany. We know, that the winter will pass by once and that the winter have to make place  the new life with the sun in the eve and the happy people sitting outside talking and walking and going on the street for their future in freedom and welfare for all: no winter will last for ever, the new time is uprising worldwide …and we and James are just a part of it.

On behalf of the Mondaydemonstration movement in Stuttgart, Germany


Pressemitteilung als PDF

Die Deutsch-Philippinischen Freunde e.V. (DPF) protestieren gegen die willkürliche Verhaftung von 43 Ärzten und Pflegern


Etwa 300 staatliche Sicherheitskräfte stürmten am Morgen des 06. Februar 2010 gewaltsam das Farmhaus von Dr. Melecia Velmonte, einer am regierungseigenen Philippine General Hospital in Manila tätigen und auf Infektionskrankheiten spezialisierten Ärztin. Ein 43-köpfiges Team von Pflegekräften absolvierte gerade einen medizinischen Fortbildungskurs. Das Farmhaus diente in der Vergangenheit wiederholt als Trainingszentrum für landesweit in basisorientierten Gesundheitsprogrammen engagierte Mitarbeiter/innen. Initiiert wurden die Kurse und Austauschprogramme maßgeblich von zwei sozialpolitisch engagierten NGOs, der eingetragenen Stiftung für gemeindeorientierte medizinische Entwicklung (COMMED), und dem landesweit verankerten Rat für Gesundheit und Entwicklung (CHD). Die DPF sind seit über 10 Jahren freundschaftlich mit dem CHD verbunden und haben häufig Medikamente und weitere Sachspenden für die „Barfußärzte“ gesammelt.

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International Committee DEFEND

International Committee to DEFEND Filipino Progressives in Europe

Dear Friends,

We, the International Committee DEFEND, is requesting you to sign the online petition addressed to the Dutch government for the grant of permanent residence to Prof. Jose Maria Sison.   We also request you to urge your friends and allies who are respected individuals or officers and members of other organizations to sign the petition.

For the purpose of signing the petition, please visit either the following websites/url: (this carries articles related to the petition)

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours in solidarity,
Ruth de Leon
International Coordinator
International Committee DEFEND


Email: Website: Telephone: 00-31-30-8895306

Fax: 00-31-847589930 Address: Amsterdamsestraatweg 50, 3513 AG Utrecht, The Netherlands

Protestresolution Montagsdemonstration Stuttgart Deutschland 22.2.2010

Resolution in PDF in English

Resolution in PDF in Deutsch

( einstimmig angenommen)

Die Montagsdemonstrationsbewegung Stuttgart pflegt seit 1 1/2 Jahren die Internationale Mahn- und Protestwache mit dem auf den Philippinen spurlos verschwundenen James Balao. Wöchentlich zählen wir die Tage seines Verschwindens: es sind jetzt 517 Tage! Es bestehen berechtigte Sorgen, dass die Militärs und Geheimagenten James Balao nicht nur entführt, sondern auch gefoltert und getötet haben. Diese barbarische und feige Methode kennen wir noch gut aus der Zeit der Terrorherrschaft des Hitlertfaschismus.

Am 6. Februar 2010 wurden 43 Menschen aus dem Gesundheitswesen durch die Philippinische Armee in Morong, Rizal Provinz, verhaftet, illegal in ein Militärcamp verschleppt und gefoltert. Die Mitarbeiter des Gesundheitsdienstes befanden sich auf einer Fortbildung des „Council for Health and Development“ (CHD). Bei den Verschleppten handelt es sich um namentlich bekannte Ärzte, Schwestern usw., sogenannte „Barfußärzte“ im Dienste des Volkes. Nach der Flutkatastrophe und den zahlreichen Erdrutschen 2009 leisteten diese „Barfußärzte“ unschätzbare uneigennützige Hilfe, einige verloren ihr Leben unter neuen Erdrutschen. Das staatliche Gesundheitswesen ist so oder nur ein „Gesundheits“wesen für die Reichen.

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