We call on the government to withdraw the charges against Morong 43 and release them unconditionally Dear Friends, Good day!

Last November 19, our full-page paid advertisement was published on the Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI).  It was signed by almost a thousand people from all over the world.  Thank you for making this leg of the campaign a success by signing your name and your organization.  I am attaching herewith a copy of the ad which appeared in the PDI.
In behalf of the Free the 43 Health Workers! Alliance, we thank you for your immediate response when we called for signatures for this campaign.
Let us continue our call for the immediate and unconditional release of the 43 health workers and all political prisoners in the Philippines. Please feel free to circulate to your friends, colleagues and other individuals.
In solidarity,
Kat Berza

To president Benigno Aquino III, former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of Philippines, mass media, trade unions and to the international democratic public, to the human rights organizations-  please forward this email where ever and whenever you can to strengthen the international protest and solidarity movement for human rights in the Philippines, which people needs for their life in standing up to fight for a berated world! On the Monday Demonstration in Stuttgart, Germany, 22nd of November 2010 we counted again as it was decided in October 2008 in the partnership agreement between the Monday-Demonstration Movement Stuttgart and the family Balao and Cordillera People Alliance (CPA)  the days of disappearance of James Balao. It is the 797th day of the disappearance of James Balao!

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To president Benigno Aquino III, former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of Philippines, mass media, trade unions and to the international democratic public, to the human rights organizations-  please forward this email whereever and whenever you can to strengthen the international protest and solidarity movement for human rights in the Philippines, which people needs for their life in standing up to fight for a liberated world! On the Monday Demonstration in Stuttgart, Germany, 8th of November 2010 we counted again as it was decided in October 2008 in the partnership agreement between the Monday-Demonstration Movement Stuttgart and the family Balao and Cordillera People Alliance (CPA)  the days of disappearance of James Balao. Today it is the 783rd day of the disappearance of James Balao!
At the 783rd day of the disappearance of James Balao the International protest vigil still demands: Surface James Balao.

On the banner you can read:
Here (in Stuttgart) they shoot your eyes with their watercanoos out of your face… in the Philippines they kill and abduct you on the public streets. Stop it!!“
…. or we stop you!

On behalf of the Monday Demonstration Movement in Stuttgart, Germany

STATEMENT 5 November 2010
Reference: Hermie Marasigan, Spokesperson, Mobile No: +63.9994975498.
Erklärung über die Verurteilung der Schließung von Heihin Philippines
Arbeiter in Süd-Tagalog wie auch alle Arbeiter des ganzen Landes verurteilen scharf die drohende Schließung der Firma Keihin Philippines, die den Japanern gehört. Diese Schließung führt zur Vernichtung regulärer Arbeitsplätze.
Kaum 48 Stunden nach der Unterzeichnung des Lohnabkommens zwischen Gewerkschaft und der Leitung, schockierte die unerwartete Nachricht des Präsidenten von Keihin Akihiro Takahashi am Morgen des 29. Oktobers von der Ankündigung der Schließung der Firma angeblich als Teile von kosten sparenden Maßnahmen.