Stuttgart, 14th of June 2010

Dear family Balao, dear Winston, dear Nonette and dear Joni, dear friends of James Balao – so far from you!

Monday Demonstration: reading the  letter of condolence to family Balao and friends

We are very sad about the death of James Balao´s mother … We hope that her death was without harm in spite of all her troubles and diseases. We are very sad about, even if we didn´t get known of her directly. But we share her sorrow and pain as the mother of James Balao, who was observed and threatened by the secret services and the murders and finally enforced disappeared by them at the 17th of September in 2008. Until her death she never gaves up her hope to meet her son again, who disappeared enforced 636 days ago.

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PRESS RELEASE – 05 June 2010

“The Case of the Morong 43:  emblematic of systemic and systematic  human rights violations in  the Philippines which are bred by social conditions”

Geneva, June 4 – “The Morong 43 case is emblematic of the human rights violations occurring in the Philippines. The plethora of violations at every step of the way, the various legal shortcuts, the brazen abuse or total disregard of the law and the deliberate attempts to escape accountability  are conclusive evidences of so much impunity in the Philippines.” Atty. Edre Olalia, one of the counsels to the Morong 43 and acting Secretary General of the National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers (NUPL), made these remarks at the side event highlighting  the case of the 43 healthworkers, during the 14th session of the Human Rights Council held at the Palais des Nations at the United Nations.

Also testifying at the side event was Mr. Roneo ‘Jigs’ Clamor, husband of one of the detainees and Deputy Secretary General of the human rights alliance KARAPATAN.  He narrated the circumstances during and following the arrest of the 43 health workers  Clamor described how his wife was threatened and that her family would be harmed if she refuses to own up being a member of the New People’s Army. The other detainees experienced similar threats and other forms of torture, he said. He added that relatives who visited were subject to harassment by elements of the military. Ms. Marie Hilao-Enriquez, KARAPATAN Chairperson, went on to detail how the Morong 43 was deprived of their rights.

Speaking at the same event,  Commissioner Cecilia Quisumbing also rued the failure of the military to respect the mandate of the Commission on Human Rights Quisumbing said the military does not respect human rights and does not see the difference between the mandate of the CHR and the investigative powers of the police. This is one reason, she said the military defies the Commission.  Quisumbing also scored the “apparent impropriety of the warrant of arrest”.

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Die Deutsch-Philippinischen Freunde e.V. erhielten folgende Meldung von der Gewerkschaft KMU mit der Bitte um Verbreitung, zu Organisierung von Protesten:

Liebe Freunde, bitte lest die angefügte Presse-Erklärung- von PAMANTIK-KMU, unsere regionale Stelle in Süd-Tagalog… über den Mord von Edward Panganiban.
P. Ist der Gewerkschaftssekretär vonTakata Philippines Inc. Er ist das 96. Opfer von solchen rechtlosen Mordens unter dem US-Aroyo-Regime. Wir drängen euch, diese fortgesetzten Brutalitäten des Arroyo- Regimes zu verurteilen und den wahrscheinlich neuen Präsidenten Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III aufzufordern, Gloria Arroyo vor Gericht zu bringen als eine Möglichkeit, für das Recht aller Opfer etwas zu tun. Danke.
Secretary KMU International Department.

03 June 2010 Reference: Hermie Marasigan, Spokesperson, Mobile No: +63.9302727373.
Ein weiterer Fall rechtlosen Mordens/Tötens. Gewerkschafter niedergeschossen
Um 5.20 gestern nachmittag haben unbekannte Männer einen Gewerkschafter in einer belebten Straße in Barangay Caingin, Santa Rosa City, Laguna niedergeschossen. Edward Panganiban, 27, ledig, starb auf der Stelle mit 12 Schusswunden. Die zwei Täter mit Uniformen und Helmen flohen sofort auf einem roten Honda-Motorrad mit einem Nummernschild.
Panganiban war auf dem Weg zur Arbeit mit dem Motorrad, als die Täter ihn direkt nieder knallten.  Mitarbeiter berichteten, dass Panganiban Drohungen erhalten hatte vor diesem tragischen Geschehen.. Einige Familienmitglieder bestätigten andererseits, dass maskierte Männer in der Nachbarschaft gesehen worden waren.
Panganiban arbeitet in der japanischen Firma Takata Philippines Incorporated in
Laguna Technopark Incorporated (LTI) und war der gewählte Sekretär der unabhängigen Gewerkschaft Samahang Lakas ng Manggagawa sa Takata Philippines (SALAMAT- Independent).
Der Gewerkschaftspräsident Fidel Panis sagte: “nicht nur Panganiban wurde bedroht und bedrängt, sondern die meisten Angestellen und aktiven Mitglieder”.

05/28/2010, Philippine Daily Tribune Online

London-based human rights watchdog Amnesty International (AI) recently reiterated similar worldwide findings linking President Arroyo to a culture of impunity under her dawning watch as it claimed in its annual report the widespread and systematic political killings and enforced disappearances of rivals and critics allegedly committed by Philippine security forces.

With this year as a self-imposed govern-ment deadline in thumping a more than three-decade-old communist rebellion, the AI said the military failed to defferentiate between communist New People’s Army (NPA) fighters and above-ground activists and human rights defenders belonging to legal organizations.”

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